Now that we are back in the states, we are going to keep up the blog with some of the highlights that we hear about from our Dubai connections. Also, Mike will be heading back in April for a conference, so I'm sure there will be new stories from him. I wonder if there might be another camel ride during his stay?!!
While in Dubai and since our return we have compiled a list of tips which will prove invaluable when you travel to Dubai and/or Oman. Although they are very modern, there are things that can help any businessman or family when coming half-way across the world to a new culture. You might want to save these for your future reference when you take your own Dubai trip!!
CURRENCY: 1. UAE - Dirham (3.67:$1)
2. Omanian Riyal (RO) - this is approx. 10-1 on the Dirham
CELL PHONE: 1. for the very sophisticated traveler I suggest checking out the Star Phone, a very “ahead of the times” option.
2. SIM card obtained with phone wait to buy @ Mall store. You will need to buy additional minutes of 20 to 60 Dirhams.

RENTAL CAR: 1. Budget and Avis are always options
2. Requirements for US citizens to cross into Oman – copy of original passport & US license, credit card. Our total cost for a Toyota Fortune (or Privia) / 7 passenger car was 2,082 Dirham (approx $600) Total.
TAXI SERVICE: Prepare to wait…call for a taxi 30-60 minutes in advance and be there to get it or remind the front desk to call your room when it comes. Also note there are some unmarked taxis ???. Ask your hotel for a shuttle schedule. Many offer free shuttle service to various locations.
TOURS/DRIVERS: It is worthwhile to get an introductory tour to the city on day one and you may want to spend a little extra for a driver. Dubai is very difficult to get around and they will go out of their way to help show you the “ropes”. Le Rêve/Arabian Adventures can book this for you.
RESTAURANTS: The standard dinner time is around 8:00 or 8:30, so most are open for lunch from 11:30 – 2:30, dinner from 6:30/7:30 – 11:30, and are closed from 3:30-6:30pm with a few suggestions (Meat House for example). Also, it is also very difficult to find a place for cocktails/wine between these hours.
ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES: Suggest you purchase wine at the airport and save the receipt for proof of where is was purchased. Only residents with a liquor license can purchase monitored amounts of alcohol in specified stores. Hotels (not including service apartments) are the only place allowed to service alcohol with a few exceptions for outside restaurants. Ask the alcohol restriction of the hotel you are staying at when making the reservation if this is important to you.
Water/milk : some chain restaurants including Pizza Hut do not offer either water or milk for the kids. Keep a bottle or 2 extra in your day bag.
SHOPPING: 1. Grocery Store = Supermarket (best ones to get Western product are inside the malls). Some hotels such as the Harbor Apts. offer free grocery shopping service, while others will do your shopping for 20%. Fruits and veggies need to be weighed and marked before getting to check out and note that you have to really select the fruits for freshness.
2. There are some excellent and enormous malls in Dubai such as the Mall of the Emirates, the Ibn Bettuta Mall, and the Dubai Mall. For deals the Ibn Bettuta Mall as well as the Outlets are your best bet.
Wow! We've already been back for a week and have fully transitioned into the California time and culture. The time just flew by, and we still can hardly believe that we spent a month in Dubai taking in the sights and sounds of this incredible destination.