Sunday, January 4, 2009

Why Dubai?

In two weeks our family, which includes my husband and I, our two boys Justin and Dillon (ages 8 and 9), and our friend Mary (age 23), will be headed off to Dubai. We will be leaving the normalcy of Orange County, California for the luxury capital of the world, and trading in our tanktops for scarves. We will be staying there for one month, as we tour the city and surrounding areas, and drink in the sights and sounds of a totally new culture.

As we embark on the trip, we wanted to set up some communication with others like us, who have always wanted to go to Dubai, but really don't know how to begin. As we stay in the amazing hotels, eat schwarmas off the street corner, and go skiing in a man-made slopes, we will be posting our pictures and our stories to fill you in.

Finally, we would love to hear from you. Leave us a comment, ask a question, or share your own travelling tips and experiences!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. i was only just reading about this mall in dubai today - sounds awesome!!!,,24610985-5014090,00.html (i tried to embed this as a link but blogger wouldn't let me)

  3. What an exciting adventure! Sort of Scheherazade meets the Swiss family Robinson and lauds them with her stories... Henry Miller said it best; "One' destination is never a place, but a new way of seeing things.

  4. There are many tourist destinations and attractions that you can indulge in Dubai such as the Burj Khalifa, the Burg Al Arab Hotel, and The Jumeirah Beach hotel and so on.

    property shop abu dhabi
